Gym Machine to get chicks Joke
An older man, not in the best physical condition, asked the trainer in the gym? “I want to impress a beautiful young girl. Which machine should I use?” The trainer replied! “Use the ATM machine outside!”
An older man, not in the best physical condition, asked the trainer in the gym? “I want to impress a beautiful young girl. Which machine should I use?” The trainer replied! “Use the ATM machine outside!”
A guy and his buddy are getting trashed in a bar when the guy pukes on himself. he gets all upset and explains to his buddy that the last time he went out drinking he puked on himself and his …
erhaps the most amazing part of Pat Summerall’s brilliant career, though, is the fact that he was the rare announcer who started as a player and became a play-by-play guy. Usually the former players become analysts, and you can tell they’re out of their comfort zone when calling an unfamiliar sport
A Dead humpback whale has washed ashore up in the Hampton’s Long Island earlier today on 4/16/2013. A Riverhead marine group is working with local authorities on a plan for conducting a necropsy and removing a dead humpback whale from …
It’s not unusual to see beagles in airports, sniffing suitcases for potential explosives. But hospitals? Yes hospital beagle’s are detecting the presence of Clostridium Difficile! At two Dutch hospitals, yes. After two months of training, a beagle detected the presence …
The breakup of the Big East, of course, creates two brand-new conferences, one of which will keep the Big East name. It also brings up an interesting question: Will the Big East (both old and new) now be considered a …
National September 11 Memorial is Charging a Fee The National September 11 Memorial has started charging visitors making online reservations for their visit, officials said Sunday, but the $2 service charge won’t apply to relatives of those killed in the …
National September 11 Memorial is Charging a Fee Read more »
Top 14 Celebrity Twins you might Not Know, Did you know how many of these celebrity’s had twins?
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The Olympics’ Proposed New Events,
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