Some of the other animals on site are cattle, horses, sheep, goats, deer, elk, giraffes, rhinos, pigs, camels, llamas, kangaroos, birds, quail, pheasants, ducks, horses, swans, porcupines, tortoises and a few peacocks that walk around as well. Please Do Not forget the Emu that greats you as you drive in or the jackass at the front door. I mean the Donkey of course folks! The staff is amazingly friendly and so full of love for the animals it is delightful.

The Environment Ministry has urged residents to take preventive measures to deal with the ash, including wearing dust masks, covering water supplies and staying indoors as needed.

Mexico City authorities recommend that people sweep up any ash and put it plastic bags to keep it from mixing with water and forming a concrete-like substance that can block drains.

Named tigers because of their black and white stripes, they were initially spotted on Long Island 10 years ago. According to Mary Ellen Laurain, spokeswoman for the Nassau County Department of Health, the Asian tiger was first identified in the county through routine surveillance activities in 2003. In Suffolk, the first showed up in a mosquito trap put out by the county in 2004, Campbell said. They have been moving and have now spread into Brookhaven Town, with a few spotted on the South Fork, he said.

Gator stops traffic on N.C. highway
Wildlife officials were on hand to remove a 300-pound alligator spotted along a North Carolina highway.’s Dara Brown reports. “Catch me some Gator’s” says New Yorker “Deny” as she watched this Gator Clip. An ongoing joke she tells us.

Finally, over in the National League is the biggest surprise team of them all. As crazy as it sounds for a team that won the World Series two years ago and went back to the NLCS last season, I’ve been stunned by the success of the St. Louis Cardinals this season. No matter what, they always seem to do it. Chris Carpenter out for the year, whole new cast of characters, best record in the Majors. It’s truly a testament to the entire organization. What the Cardinals are doing is working.

The moon will come within 222,000 miles (357,000 kilometers) of Earth and turn full around 7:30 a.m. EDT (1130 GMT), making it the best time to view.This year’s closest and largest full moon will occur on June 23 at precisely 7:32 a.m. eastern. Astronomers call this sort of close full moon a perigee full moon.

Breaking Bad’s Finale Season Starts Aug 11th, 2013 and not in July as many expected. This final season of Breaking Bad from AMC will be the continuation from last year. You will have a second chance to catch up on …

Real Breaking Bad Finale Season Starts Aug 11th 2013 Read more »