It’s All In the Logo so says a Joe Brackets, a friend and contributor for

In the same year the cartoon bird made its return to the Baltimore Orioles’ hats, the Orioles returned to the playoffs for the first time in 15 years. It’s probably mere coincidence, but, through my keen powers of observation, I’ve noticed that the Orioles aren’t the only team that’s changed had a sudden change of fortune on the field in the same season they’ve made a logo change in recent years. A logo change, obviously, isn’t a sure-fire road to success for everybody, just ask the Blue Jays and Marlins, the two teams that went through a complete makeover this year, only to end up in last place. But for the most part, a logo change has been that thing to bring a team that’s on the verge of being good over the top.

How to delete songs from your iOS 6 alarm clock feature on an iPhone? Well, I have been trying this for about 2 weeks now and can not figure this out at all.

So I searched how to delete the songs in ios6 alarms, hoping some other people have figured this out already. To my surprise I did not see much talk about this subject matter at all. I did find however one person on an apple forum looking for help and no response yet. So in case this is a new feature on the phone for you, let me explain a little bit here. You can now wake up to your own songs instead of the default alarm sounds. Here is a link to a great story on this from CNET.

2012 NFL Preview, Part II (NFC) by Joe Brackets  The NFL season officially kicks off tomorrow with the Defending Super Bowl Champion New York Football Giants (that’s the full name by which I will refer to them this season) taking …

2012 NFL Preview, Part II (NFC) Read more »

2012 NFL Preview, Part I (AFC) by Joe Brackets  The NFL season is finally here!  I’m not one of those people who gets excited for preseason games simply because it’s football on TV.  The preseason is not the NFL.  It’s somewhat …

2012 NFL Preview, Part I (AFC) Read more »

Your payment history is not the only important part of your credit report and score.  The available credit on your cards will also have a tremendous affect on your FICO score.  The good news for you is there is no time line …

How high limit balances affect your FICO score Read more »

Facebook isn’t just for friends and family anymore. Insurance companies have been using the social networking website to catch disability insurance cheats, and spouses are spying on their soon-to-be exes, looking for dirt to increase alimony, or win a child custody battle. Well, now there’s a new wrinkle: Courts are using Facebook to serve legal papers to announce, say, that you’re being sued. Or that your bank’s foreclosing on your house.