About Me
My name is Michael and I live in Long Island, New York. And yes I need a theme song and video ( so start getting creative people), The world wants to see what you got. Go to the homepage of https://www.askhoffa.com and subscribe. Or post you submission on any comment section of AskHoffa.Com
AskHoffa.com is not a face-book, it is a place for everyone to use as a homepage that loves searching with google. I google everything. I want people to submit links to other blogger’s, events, news, restaurants and recipes. A one stop website to spend a few minutes a day checking out random things people post including myself. I will also have promotional items that would be great if you wanted to check them out.
I have been around since ” Dial Up “. So if you don’t know what that means, just ask somebody……. like ” Hoffa”
I work for a non-profit organization and I help people daily with credit reporting tips and corrections, credit card debt, personal finance questions and the last 2 years with free mortgage assistance through HUD like loan modifications and first time home-buyer assistance.
I’m starting www.askhoffa.com to keep me busy, and hopefully make me a ” thousandaire “ and yes I will share the wealth. It will be a slow process but my site will be free, and powered with search engines by Google.
So keep checking back for updates on the site, with social media content to follow in the near future as well. Join in on the forums and create topics and discussions. Use the comment section below to leave your interesting or creative comments below. Hey, it’s a catchy name so spread the word…….. askhoffa.com